The Land of What Ifs | Diary of a Heart Mom

Saturday, October 7, 2017 / 1 comment

Before I became what alot of us, (well, those of us that wear the title) call, a "heart mama," I never experienced some of the every day waves of pain that I do now. Things that come and go so subtly, like a breeze blowing lightly upon a beautiful moment. 

Reminding me. 

"You should capture this"
"Don't ever forget this moment"
"Just in case"

September 30 2017

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The Boy With Half a Heart - Photographic Essay

Thursday, August 24, 2017 / Leave a Comment

Hello beautiful people! I haven't posted in a while, and I apologize - life has certainly caught up with my family. Between finding out that Charlie has some brain damage that is contributing the epileptic behavior, school starting, my weight loss journey, my business - we have been strapped for time. However, I recently created a photographic essay for school. I am on my way towards a graphic design degree, and decided to take some photography classes as well. I thought you all would love the outcome of this essay!

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CHD, GUIDE** for new parents

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 / 1 comment

As promised, I'm coming to you as one heart mom, to another, with every single resource I can find to help you along on your journey!

Let's face the facts, this. is. hard. I promise you though, you are not alone! Heart moms stick together, and I promise you will find this list to be useful along the way.

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When You Find Out Your Baby Has Congenital Heart Disease

Sunday, February 12, 2017 / Leave a Comment

Generally, we move through life knowing that bad things happen to good people. Children get cancer, total accidents take beautiful lives, and tragedy touches the most innocent places. We understand this reality, for the most part. I don't believe anything can truly prepare you, though, for when tragedy becomes something synonymous with our own child. 

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My Son Was Born with a Heart Defect, Here's What You Should Know

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 / 2 comments

Charlie, January 2015, after his first open heart surgery. He had a stroke shortly after.

Everybody knows it's a possibility that any child can be born with something very wrong with them. Lets be honest though, none of us actually think it will be our child.

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An Open Letter To My Hardships

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 / Leave a Comment

This post first appeared on TheOdyssey -  follow Abigail Conway @ TheOdysseyOnline
I finally emerged from my bed, after hours of tossing and turning, and fighting to fall asleep. Barefooted through my living room and into the kitchen, I made my way to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, and I slid down to the floor and stared up into the darkness.
"What did I do to deserve this?"
As I lay on the cold tiled floor, I spoke to my hardships as if they can even here me, as if it makes any sense at all.

It's me. The one you seem to seek out, as you pass the crowds of horrible and ill intended people. I'm the one you always seem to find, and the one you always sneak up on in the midst of better days on my horizon. I can't help but wonder if I have done anything to invite you here. I feel I always treated people fairly well, I drop change into every donation box I come across, I'm the epitome of somebody who should be seeing "good karma" coming back around by now, but we both know better than to think that way.
You brought me sickness. Not only did you bring myself genetic and chronic illness, but my son as well. The physical pain I felt was nearly unbearable, and the emotional pain I felt watching my infant fight for his life, and continue to, will forever be a burden I carry. Why must me and my son fight so hard just to live? Why must this be a mountain I can never climb over? How can I carry on knowing it's just a mountain I must become comfortable with?
I feel it isn't fair to blame you for all of my bad relationships, but nevertheless, they were hardships. Bad relationships with boyfriends, family and friends. I spent a very long time trying to understand who I was, cleaning up the mess made by broken relationships. I spent much of my time learning how to trust again, only to have it shattered once more. What did you get out of this?
You have backed me into the corners of wondering what the purpose of life is at all. Is it a constant flux of standing and falling? Will I ever find myself in a place of content, if it is written in stone that I will never find happiness? Where are the reigns that I so desperately need to grab hold of?
I give you all of this credit to the pain I have endured, but in the end I realize that I am forever richer because of you. I will forever be a more understanding person, a more resilient woman, a woman of wisdom, and character. I don't have a boring life, that is for certain. If it weren't for you, Hardships, would I have even realized who I was? It if weren't for you, would I even have my children right now? It is so easy to despise you, yet I credit my ability to conquer you as a gigantic milestone in my life. Some days, I let you get the best of me, and I cry on my kitchen floor while wallowing in my own pity, but I am so proud to say that it doesn't take much for me to see how much better you have made me. Simply put, Hardships, you have allowed me to become the woman I am today, and you will never keep me down.
So, I may melt onto my kitchen floor tonight. I may curse you and throw my tantrum, and that is okay. My tears will evaporate from the tile, and I will always carry on.
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Oh Sweet Heart Mama, "Normal" Does Come

Thursday, September 17, 2015 / Leave a Comment

We are twenty-one months out from the very first time I saw my son, and also the very first time somebody told me he was severely ill - hypoplastic left heart syndrome - the phrase still echos in my mind, and as it rattles around it still manages to shake a few tears out of my eyes, because even nine months out, that memory is so fresh and I can feel that uncertainty and fear in my bones like it was only yesterday.

I have to tell you though, from one parent living in a medically dramatic world to another, normal does infact come.

It doesn't come wrapped in a big beautiful ribbon. It doesn't come in a form that you could ever possibly remember from life before, and it doesn't come as a signal ending this new world we are in, no. It comes in the form of giving medicine second nature. It comes in the form of becoming good friends with parents just like you. It comes with building your normal life, around your crazy medical portion, and it all working like a big, synchronized, beautiful mess. 

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10 things I Learned When My Son Was Born With A Heart Defect

Monday, August 3, 2015 / 1 comment

I learned one-hundred million things when my son came into this world with a congenital heart disease, but some things have completely stuck with me and I'm sure they will until my life is over.

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5 Things Every CHD Mom Knows

Sunday, June 21, 2015 / 19 comments

I am the mother of a boy who was born looking like perfection, but who quickly showed that his heart wasn't built to keep him alive outside the womb. Fortunately, I am also the mother of a son who was born in a time where technology has advanced enough that surgeons and doctors can create a cocktail of procedures and medications to help him sustain life for much longer than he could have otherwise. That, I am extremely grateful for. I am so happy that my son has a chance, but like any parent of a child in that situation, that will never ever drown out the possibilities, and statistics that surround the child that we love so dearly.

As a heart mom, we carry burdens, and sometimes it would be nice for the rest of the world to be more aware of them.

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How To Watermark a Medically Sensitive Picture and Why You Should

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
The purpose of this post is to show how to watermark your sensitive pictures (ie; with chest scars, breathing tubes, chest tubes, and other medically sensitive images) to protect them from being stolen, and falling victim to scammers on the internet who use them to gain sympathy from strangers and earn money from "shares" on Facebook and other social media websites.

example :

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Dear PICU nurse,

Saturday, May 30, 2015

2 am, she drinks another energy drink,  and rubs her tired eyes. Her feet move fast across the intensive care unit floor. She cares not only for sick children, but she cares for their worry stricken, exhausted parents as well. It's just a pillow, just a ginger-ale, its just her talking to my son, making him giggle, she's gentle and kind, and I don't think she knows how much it means.
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Across the Table | Hospital Mom Diary

Friday, May 22, 2015

Just two nights ago, I met you; A clearly, emotional distraught, young lady, who just had her first child. Most of the time, in the world I used to inhabit, child birth was a cause for celebration, but we are here for a reason, and I know better. I am very familiar with just how unfair life can be, when a parent ends up here, its something I never used to think about, and now its all too real and common, but it stings just the same, every single time,

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How Friendships Changed | A Hospital Mom's Diary

Thursday, April 30, 2015 / Leave a Comment

It's just like when you have a baby, and some friends disappear. It doesn't happen all at once, they buy baby clothes, they throw you a shower, but once the baby comes and the excitement wears off, and relationships begin to change. The more you grow and the more your life changes, the more friends fade away little by little. It's a natural part of life. But...

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